Acupuncture for Fertility in Franklin TN
Hormone Balancing by Keeping the Liver Healthy:
Acupuncture has become amazingly popular as a wonderful adjunct for fertility treatments, whether you are choosing to do a natural cycle or utilize IUI or IVF. Besides Acupuncture helping with blood flow to the uterus, egg quality, helping to strengthen the uterine lining, Acupuncture is very effective at balancing hormones. Hormones usually go out of balance as a secondary symptom. Typically, there are causative factors that are affecting the body, contributing to the hormone imbalance in a woman’s body. Root issues can adrenal burnout from stress, built up toxins affecting the liver’s ability to detox, Candida or fungus colonized in the gut, parasites or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial organisms), mold in homes, and Stress!
Hormones are the body’s communication system, giving instructions to the body’s tissues and cells to create what is needed (a hormone), to give further biochemical instructions. The health of the liver directly impacts your hormones because the liver is responsible for making sure the hormones are efficiently processed, broken down and prepared for elimination. The liver? It doesn’t seem like that is the organ that has anything to do with hormones, but it does! What the liver does:
- The liver filters the blood coming from the digestive tract, before that same blood is sent to the rest of the body. It is the blood cleaner.
- It metabolizes medications and supplements
- It breaks down hormones once they have been used by the body
- It processes the nutrients from food
- It helps to produce proteins that are important for bodily functions
One role of the liver is to balance hormones such as the thyroid hormones, sex hormones, cortisol and adrenal hormones. Once the hormones are used by the body it filters and removes them from the body. The liver can be overly taxed and not working properly if it has a log jam from toxicity. Toxicity can be from heavy metals, vaccines, alcohol, medications, mold in homes, parasites, bacterial infections, viruses like Covid, or a genetic condition like the MTHFR gene defect.
Hormone imbalance can cause a number of symptoms. For example:
- Hot flashes and night sweats
- Moodiness
- Low libido
- Skin rashes
- Blood pressure changes, rapid heart rate, heart palpitations
- Blood sugar imbalances
- Weight gain
- Bloating, gas, pain
- Weak bones, and osteoporosis
As you can see, one of the best ways to balance your hormones, is by making sure that your liver is working properly. How do you help the liver? By practicing the following:
- Eat nutrient rich food
- Eat enough protein
- Get a full night of sleep
- Take B Vitamins
- Limit Alcohol
- Take liver supplements such as NAC, Milk Thistle, Glycine, Taurine, Methyl Folate, Magnesium, Minerals
- Hydrate
- Get the Bowels moving daily
- Eat Fiber
- Castor oil packs
- Lymphatic drainage
- Deep Breathing
- Exercise
- Acupuncture
Acupuncture is also great at detoxing the body and balancing the liver. Because it acts on the nervous system itself, it can send a direct signal to the body to balance hormones and detox the liver. Acupuncture is so effective for bodily ailments because its quick, painless and can do so many actions at once for bodily health and support. If you are looking for Acupuncture in Franklin TN, give us a call. We can balance hormones, the liver and get you on the right track for fertility. This is how Acupuncture for fertility works!