Acupuncture vs. Dry Needling

Please don’t do dry needling folks!  A lot of people call our clinic asking about this.  Acupuncturists do NOT recommend dry needling.  An Acupuncturist had to do 4 years of graduate school, totaling over 3000 hours.  Physical therapists are trained in what is called ‘dry needling’ which is inserting a needle into a trigger point.  They get their training in a weekend, a total of 12-16 hours.  Acupuncture is a fine science, coming from the full medical scope of Chinese Medicine.  It requires a lot of thought for needle placement, depth, location, and skill.  A physical therapist does not get any of this training.  Dry needling hurts.  It is not Acupuncture.  It may be covered under insurance but it is not safe or effective.  Acupuncturists are now lobbying to relinquish the rights of physical therapists to perform dry needling.  Please check out the video below and call our Franklin Acupuncture clinic with any questions.