Acupuncture for TMJ
Acupuncture has a long history of helping to relieve pain. Pain occurs when there is a disturbance of a nerve branch or nerve root. Acupuncture works because it gets to the level of the nerve, thereby reducing the inTNammation and promoting electrical movement down that nerve so it conducts properly. Nerves communicate as branches, much like an electrical system in a home. If there is stagnation or an inability to conduct properly, this will cause pain.
TMJ is a painful disorder, which typically begins with teeth grinding or an uneven bite. This causes severe pain in the temporomandibular joint. Acupuncture works by relieving this pain at the nerve that junctions this joint. In addition, Acupuncture relieves stress, that causes teeth grinding. If you are feeling any of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from TMJ Disorder:
-Pain in the jaw
-Teeth Grinding
-Tooth wear, degeneration, punctures
If you have any of these symptoms, Acupuncture is a painless and relaxing treatment to help alleviate these issues. Feel free to give us a call at the Holistic Clinic for a free consultation. We practice Acupuncture in Franklin TN.
Acupuncturist in Franklin Tennessee-Amy L. Suplee
Amy is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Board Certified by the NCCAOM, the governing body for Acupuncturists in the United States. She received her Master’s Degree in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California and is a graduate of University of Colorado. She is pursuing a Nursing Degree to integrate the likes of both Eastern and Western Medicine. With roots in the south, she is excited to be back in Franklin, where she calls home.
Amy specializes in Women’s Health, Fertility, Pain Management and Chronic Illness. She has been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classical Chinese Medicine and 5 Element Emotional Balancing and Acupuncture. She has a long history in Western Medicine so she has the ability to integrate an Eastern and Western approach.
Amy is passionate about her work and enjoys seeing results in her patients. As an Acupuncturist and resident of Franklin, she is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their health goals. She has taken on some of the most difficult cases, and treated patients who have seen multiple doctors who had not previously had relief from their ailments.