Men’s Fertility
There are a number of issues that can arise on the man’s side of fertility that are greatly helped with Acupuncture at our Franklin clinic. Such irregularities are:

How Men can Benefit from Acupuncture:
- Increases Circulation
- Increases sperm quality and quantity
- Increases Libido
- Balances Hormones
- Reduces Stress
- Enhances Digestion
- Brightens Mood
- Helps Sleep
- Enhances Cellular Health

What to Do?
Get Tested
See an MD who can test Sperm and Hormone levels

Become Part of The Team!
Men and Women are in this together! Both people working to be healthy will create a healthier baby!

How To Become More Fertile:
Get Weekly Acupuncture Visits and work on your health!

Stay Positive!
It has been proven that a positive mindset brings positive results! Visualize what you want !
How Acupuncture Works for Fertility in Men:
Women are not the only ones who can receive Acupuncture for Fertility. Acupuncture is a great way to treat fertility issues in men and to increase libido and balance hormones. Better yet, men and women can get Acupuncture together, in a room side by side for the goal of creating a family at our Franklin Acupuncture clinic.
This creates the best possible outcome when the man is also working on his health. The health of the man is equally as important, as it is his “seed” that is implanted in the embryo. If you are experiencing fertility issues with your spouse, you may want to come in and talk to our Acupuncturist in Franklin. It absolutely ‘takes two’ when it comes to having a healthy little one. A team effort will produce the best results for your beautiful newborn baby to arrive.

Would you like to have a consultation with our Acupuncturist? Book your First Appointment to discuss your Fertility Needs!