Acupuncture and Functional Medicine For Fertility

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Acupuncture has long been known as a very important adjunctive treatment in the journey of infertility.  Western Medical clinics are also prescribing and recommending acupuncture for fertility.  It not only works as a natural treatment for those not wanting to undergo a natural way to conceive but acupuncture works in conjunction with IUI, IVF, and follicle stimulating medications.

Beyond Acupuncture, we also can take a deeper dive into hormones to see where the imbalances lie.  Often times when hormones are off, the liver is congested.  The liver gets congested with toxins, of which can be toxins in the system such as latent viruses, bacteria, fungus or they can be environmental toxins such as lead, arsenic, radon, methylparabens, but most often it can be mold in homes.  People do not realize how much of an influence fungus in homes has on the human body.  Fungus is a very strong parasitic eukaryote that has learned to live not only in bodies, but in homes.  This is especially true for a state like Tennessee.  So while we offer Acupuncture in Franklin for fertility, we also offer Functional medicine in Franklin for fertility and for getting to the root of hormonal imbalance.  We find that most people want to know ‘why.’  Why am I infertile?  Why am I not producing eggs?  Why is my uterine lining thin?  Why is infertility such a bigger problem today than it was a decade ago?  The answer to this question is due to birth control pills, chemically processed foods, hormones in meat, and pathogens that are getting stronger.  The microbiome of the body and home are important factors in this.  We recommend doing the necessary testing to see what exactly is going on that would cause infertility.  We know what works! Its Acupuncture for fertility.  But we also may want to know why our bodies are not functioning as they should.  That is why we have functional medicine!  It looks at the why and the reasons the body may be off balance.  Functional medicine is also known as foundational medicine.  It gets to the root and the foundation.  Our Acupuncture and Functional Medicine clinic in Franklin is a leading expert in fertility, women’s health, mold related hormone imbalance and illness, as well as pregnancy.  If you have an issue, we can pursue the right avenues to resolve it.

If you would like an appointment for Acupuncture in Franklin or for Functional medicine in Franklin, feel free to give us a call, or book online!