Digestive Issues Solved With Acupuncture
Its no fun to have digestive problems. One of the most pleasurable things about life is eating, and we spend a lot of time centering our activities around eating out and seeing people at meals. One’s digestion is one of the most important systems in the body because what we eat, we become. We obtain our essential nutrients from food, so we need this system to be in tip top shape. When it isn’t it isn’t the most pleasurable experience because what can be experienced with malabsorption is gas, pain, bloating, reflux, diarrhea, constipation, headaches and a sense of heaviness. From digestive issues, other systems can break down as the body must then tap into the adrenal system to get energy via cortisol. This is supposed to be the ‘savings account’ that we do not tap into unless there is an emergency. Therefore, it’s important that if the digestive system gets off track, it is corrected quickly.
Some of the problems that can create digestive issues are pathogens like bacteria, fungus or candida, parasites and viruses. With these pathogens in the gut, they can create colonies and because pathogens are opportunistic, they can gang up on the body and create problems that can lead to long term health issues like leaky gut, Chron’s Disease, IBS, colon cancer, and SIBO (small intestine bacteria organisms). The good news is Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs help to correct this issue. Our Acupuncturist has worked with many digestive problems and with the combination of placing fine needles in acupuncture points with the addition of Chinese Herbs, supplements and recommended lifestyle changes, the gut can be healed. If it is a parasitic infection or fungal infection that is housing the gut, it is important to seek treatment quickly. Often patients come into The Holistic Clinic saying that they have been to several doctors without having success. Why is Acupuncture and Functional Medicine different? It gets to the root of the issue. Acupuncture helps to reset the nervous system, moves blood, moves energy in the body, balances hormones, reduces inflammation, helps to make new cells and balances systems. It is a healing system that quickly gets to the root of the problem. If you are having digestive issues and haven’t given Acupuncture a try, come in and see what you can do to take control of your health!