Acupuncture for Fertility and Functional Medicine

Acupuncture for Fertility and Functional Medicine

Acupuncture and Functional Medicine For Fertility Acupuncture has long been known as a very important adjunctive treatment in the journey of infertility.  Western Medical clinics are also prescribing and recommending acupuncture for fertility.  It not only works as a...
Fertility, Hormones and the Liver

Fertility, Hormones and the Liver

Acupuncture for Fertility in Franklin TN Hormone Balancing by Keeping the Liver Healthy: Acupuncture has become amazingly popular as a wonderful adjunct for fertility treatments, whether you are choosing to do a natural cycle or utilize IUI or IVF.  Besides...

Fertility And Stress-How Lowering Stress Helps!

There is an ongoing joke at our fertility clinic in Franklin these days.  During Covid, we have not had a single negative pregnancy test with patients doing IUI or IVF.  There was a patient who was told they had no viable eggs during an IVF retrieval who got pregnant...

Can Acupuncture Be Used During Pregnancy?

Can Acupuncture be helpful and is it safe during pregnancy?  Absolutely!  In fact, Acupuncture is used at all stages of pregnancy- before, during and after.  Acupuncture is so highly effective for fertility that we have specific pages for it.  It is helpful for...

Can Acupuncture work with IVF?

Acupuncture and IVF Therapy Acupuncture is very helpful and effective during the preparation, stimulation and transfer stage of IVF therapy.  Doctors in Franklin Fertility Clinics are now recommending Acupuncture at all stages of the IVF process because it has been...