Acupuncture for Anxiety: How this Ancient Medicine can help

Acupuncture for Anxiety: How this Ancient Medicine can help

Acupuncture for Anxiety Relief in Franklin, TN If you’re one of the millions of Americans who struggle with anxiety, you’ve probably tried many different treatments to find relief. While therapy, meditation, and anti-anxiety medications can be helpful for...

Summer Foods

Summertime Foods for Holistic Health! As we step into the warmer months it is time to get creative with garden vegetables and make some savory dishes from fresh fruit and vegetables that are coming into season.  Although we have talked much about how ‘raw...

Acupuncture for Spring Cleaning of the Body

Spring is the time to clear and cleanse!  Try Acupuncture! Spring is finally here and Tennessee is turning into a beautiful garden of TNowers.  Get out your iphone camera and start taking pictures, as the inner artist in you can really come out when there are such...