Acupuncture Franklin

The Holistic Clinic Franklin

Have you ever noticed how two people can see a situation completely differently?  It is because everyone has a different attitude, and we all process information in a different way.  An old cliched statement is, ‘its not about what happens to you in life, it is about how you react to what happens to you.’  This is so true!  It seems that the best people to be around are those who don’t sweat the small stuff, who take life with a grain of salt, who try not to take life too seriously, who can laugh about things and let stress just roll off their back.  Life is short, we have a tendency to overwork and over-stress but we don’t necessarily need to.

In fact, our lives will typically function better if we try to adopt a positive mental attitude because we will be radiating that positivity to others.  This makes others drawn to us, want to be near us, want to work with or for us, etc.  No one wants to be around someone who is negative, cold and stressed.  The greatest old people are those who don’t seem to be too worn down by their baggage and all of the things that have happened to them in life.  They have that ability to be able to ‘shake it off’ and carry on with an excitement and passion about what is still ahead.  When we allow our baggage to wear us down, we get heavy and feel as if life is dragging us through the mud.  In turn, this attitude will drag others down.

Although life can be tough and there certainly are struggles and adversities, remember that a grieving time is normal, but try not to let those adversities leave you jaded and cynical.  There is always something good to look forward to.  There are wonderful people to meet in life.  There is something to be learned from everyone.  More often than not, as soon as you open yourself up to life’s possibilities, they will begin to appear.

A good attitude in business is crucial!  When you are positive, you are magnetic.  People are attracted to you because they want to be around positive energy.  When you exude positivity, laughter and happiness while engaging with others, you will be remembered.  We all have darkness in us as well as light-you get to choose which to harness and bring to the surface.  It is always beneficial to choose people to be around who are positive also.  They will help to bring out the best qualities in you.

Some things that will help to have a positive mental attitude:

1. Eat Healthy-you are what you eat and nutrients will help your cognitive functioning ability which means clear thoughts, an ability to express yourself, blood flow to the brain, and happy neurotransmitters firing.

2.  Don’t overwork-take breaks, eat throughout the day, don’t burn the candle out at both ends.

3.  Exercise-it is an amazing endorphin boost for your body.  The singer Eminen said that he ran 17 miles a day sometimes to stay off drugs, because the exercise was releasing endorphins which allowed him to stay content and happy.

4.  Take Vacations to give yourself a break.

5.  Spend quality time with family and children.

6.  Maintain a group of friends who are positive and uplifting.

7.  Find ways to RELAX-whatever this may mean to you (fishing, hiking, boating, swimming, meditating, yoga, taking a bath, listening to music, etc.)

8.  Play with your pets.

Stay light, let go of the past, let go of the baggage…life moves on and there is always something great to look forward to. 🙂

Call us at our Acupuncture clinic in Franklin with any questions!