Acupuncture treats more than pain!

Acupuncture Arvada

Acupuncture treats more than pain!

Acupuncture is a highly functional and comprehensive medicine, not only composed of just ‘Acupuncture’ but its other half is Chinese Medicine.  The Chinese have been practicing this medicine for 5000 years, which consists of 5 different branches-Acupuncture, Herbs, Diet and Lifestyle, Qi Gong/Tai Qi or some type of exercise with a spiritual practice, and massage.  It is through this lifestyle that one can maintain balance and health.

Many doctors are now recommending Acupuncture for pain management.  Slowly, others are beginning to realize and learn that Acupuncture does not treat just pain.  Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (including the Chinese diagnostic system, and prescription of herbal formulas) can treat anything that a Western doctor treats, outside of an emergency.  Acupuncturists will typically treat any problem that one would see their doctor for, but it is treated using a natural approach.  Rather than treating the symptoms, the Acupuncturist will work to treat it from the root cause to not only alleviate the symptoms but to treat the manifestation also.

During a session, the Acupuncturist may ask about diet, lifestyle, stress, work, habits, sleep and any other issue that may be affecting the body.  Typically the body is thrown out of balance from some issue or stressor in the person’s life.  Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can help correct this balance, but diet and lifestyle changes are also important.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have proven effective to treat the following:







Digestive Problems


Celiac Disease



Back Pain

Neck Pain



Memory Problems

…and many more.

If you haven’t tried Acupuncture, you should check it out.  What a great way to re-balance the body with few to no side effects at all.  It is calming, and relaxing as well!