Many people ask about the efficacy of Chinese Medicine, thinking that it is folklore and not real medicine. Just because Acupuncturists do not use pharmaceuticals as their main medicinal therapy, does not mean that it does not work. Herbal medicine, particularly Chinese Medicine has been used for over 5000 years and it is not only highly effective, but can be very potent. Often times, herbs begin to work quickly and they get to the root of the illness. One may be put on a pharmaceutical medication for weeks that an herbal medicine could take care of in days.
Acupuncturists are trained for 4 years in graduate school on the use of Herbal Medicine, combined with Acupuncture training and classes in all of the Western medicine fields such as pharmacology, pediatrics, gynecology, internal medicine, etc. Acupuncturists have extensive training. We are not trained like massage therapists. The training involves diagnostics, studying Western medical diseases, knowing how to diagnose, knowing when to refer a patient out in case of emergency. Different states are now recognizing Acupuncturists as Primary Care Physicians. Acupuncturists can also bill insurance. As Acupuncturists, we have a certain scope of practice, but it is very much overlapping with western medicine. We treat issues that western doctors often cannot treat.
Acupuncture is very safe, effective and quick. It may be an out of pocket expense but if it works, isn’t it worth it? If you haven’t tried Acupuncture, you are missing out! Feel free to give us a call to check it out.
Amy is a Board Certified Acupuncturist and Licensed in Colorado. She received her Master’s Degree in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California and is a graduate of University of Colorado at Boulder.
Amy specializes in Women’s Health, Fertility, Pain Management and Chronic Illness. She has been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classical Chinese Medicine and 5 Element Emotional Balancing and Acupuncture. She has a long history in Western Medicine so she has the ability to integrate an Eastern and Western approach.
Amy is passionate about her work and enjoys seeing results in her patients. As an Acupuncturist and resident of Franklin, she is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their health goals. She has taken on some of the most difficult cases, and treated patients who have seen multiple doctors who had not previously had relief from their ailments.
Amy is the President and Founder of the International Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association, an organization providing education, and business success to Acupuncturists.