Franklin Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Does Acupuncture really work for weight loss? Absolutely!
How does it work? Acupuncture works for weight loss because it helps to increase the metabolism, balance hormones which when imbalanced cause a person to release stress hormones and a dysfunctional thyroid hormone, causing weight gain, especially in the abdomen area. Acupuncture also helps to balance the digestion, increase nutrient absorption, and get the bowels moving properly. All of this leads to a healthy digestive system of eating food, assimilating nutrients, and proper elimination. When this system is functioning properly, the rate at which the body is producing energy for normal day to day functioning and the rate at which the body is burning off energy, by way of calories burned and energetic output, the more someone can lose weight.
It not only shows scientific evidence about why Acupuncture would make sense for weight loss, but it makes common sense. Energy in=energy out. Therefore, if someone is consuming food and the calories are not being properly utilized or assimilated, the body is then storing energy in the system. Acupuncture works on the nervous system and the nervous system moves electrical impulses. These impulses are responsible for every systemic function in the body. Metabolic, nutrient, hormonal, digestive, and biochemical systems all need to be functioning properly for weight loss to take place. We offer specials for Weight loss Acupuncture at our Franklin Acupuncture clinic.
Please give us a call at The Holistic Clinic Acupuncture clinic in Franklin, we are happy to do a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your needs.