Acupuncture for the Holidays
Would you like to give the gift of wellness to a friend or loved one? A gift certificate for Acupuncture or an Acupuncture Massage combination treatment can be just the thing someone needs to ease tension, pain and anxiety. Acupuncture is such a helpful remedy during the holiday season because many people are undergoing stress.
Acupuncture can help with back, neck and hip pain but it is also an effective long term remedy for many other issues such as:
-anxiety, depression, headaches
-digestive issues, malabsorption, abdominal pain
-insomnia, infertility, women’s health
-fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue
If you can help someone feel better this holiday season, it is a gift that keeps on giving and one that someone will certainly be thankful for! If you haven’t tried acupuncture, please check out this link to find out what it is and what it is about. A 5000 year old medical modality cannot be wrong. Please give our acupuncture clinic in Franklin a call if you have further questions.