Franklin Acupuncture for Insomnia
Are you having trouble sleeping? Insomnia is a difficult ailment to deal with as we all need sleep for proper functioning. The Holistic Clinic in Franklin has the answer. We can use Acupuncture for these tough insomnia issues, and get you to fall asleep naturally.
How does Acupuncture work for Insomnia?
1. Acupuncture works by balancing the hormones in the body. A hormone called Cortisol when misfiring can cause you to be up all night. Cortisol is a hormone that turns to sugar giving you energy. However, if the body has been under a lot of stress, it will fire at inappropriate times. One such time is 11pm, when the brain is supposed to be shutting down so the body can become fatigued and fall asleep naturally. If this is not occurring, this hormone is out of balance. Our Franklin Acupuncture clinic can help to correct this hormonal problem that causes insomnia.
2. If the brain/body are under too much stress, there is a lot of heat being generated in the system. Acupuncture helps by cooling the body and bringing all of that unnecessary heat from the head, down to the feet. Acupuncture has been an effective treatment for insomnia for quite some time. Our Franklin Acupuncturist has treated many people with Acupuncture for this disorder, as our lives are moving at such a rapid pace, the mind has difficulties calming down.
3. Acupuncture releases endorphins in the brain that promote a calming and relaxing feeling. This feeling lasts beyond the typical acupuncture treatment.
If you are experiencing symptoms of insomnia, please give our Franklin Acupuncture Clinic a call. At The Holistic Clinic in Franklin, we are trained in alleviating these nagging health problems, so you can get back to your normal routine and function with optimal health.