Acupuncture for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia affects more than 3 million people per year. This is an atonishing number of individuals who are subjected to pain in joint and specific tenders spots, and/or have other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc. As research continues we medical practitioners are realizing that fibromyalgia has its underlying roots in adrenal deficiency. Because we as a society are undergoing more stress in one year than our ancestors did in a lifetime, the stress is taxing the adrenal glands, depleting them of cortisol.
Cortisol is a type of stored energy, such as a bank savings account. It is for the most part supposed to be left alone and used for emergency situations only. So, trauma, drama, illness, the need for ‘fight or TNight’ is really when cortisol resources should be used. However, it is also utilized as an energy source if a person does not eat. The body can put cortisol into the blood stream, thus turning it into sugar. It is an instant energy source. It can also be utilized if someone has not gotten a good night of rest. If low on energy, the adrenal glands will step in and help out.
The adrenal glands have this storehouse of energy, yet it is not in an unlimited supply. Like a bank savings account the cortisol will eventually burn out. It is comparable to having a savings account with gold coins and each time the body needs energy, a gold coin is taken out and released into the bloodstream. When cortisol is initiated, it is telling the body that it is under stress. When the body is stressed, it taxes the organs; the heart starts beating harder, the lungs increase the number of respirations, more oxygen is needed, the intestines can either increase their level of contraction leading to diarrhea or slow down (constipation). Because the organs in the body function utilizing minerals, a stressed body starts burning through many minerals. The body has a natural intelligence and survival mechanism. Therefore, above all else, it wants to keep the organs functioning so the body stays alive. Yet, any time you contract a muscle in the body the muscle itself needs sodium, potassium and calcium. These are minerals! When the body becomes depleted in something/anything it has a tendency to cause PAIN. This is the way that the body communicates to the brain that there is a problem, in hopes that the thinking brain of the human being will do something to solve the problem. Our Western medicine world (although getting better in recent years) has a tendency to mask symptoms with medications and/or not look at the body from a holistic perspective. So, there are many drugs being used to treat fibromyalgia but not necessarily reach the core issues. For one, a body with fibromyalgia has a mineral deficiency. But, two there is an underlying adrenal deficiency. At The Holistic Clinic we look at the body from a unified and whole perspective to treat the manifestation, but also the root issue. The greatest thing about acupuncture is that it does both. It can help to alleviate the symptoms such as pain, nausea, and dizziness, but it also helps to balance out the hormones and adrenal glands. Acupuncture is so effective for a multitude of issues. Most people do not know that it is a comprehensive medicine in itself, meaning that we treat everything that a western doctor treats, but we treat it naturally and at the root cause. At The Holistic Clinic, we treat chronic illness and difficult multi-systemic disorders.
If you are considering acupuncture for fibromyalgia in the Franklin or Franklin TN, or acupuncture for another disorder, please give us a call at The Holistic Clinic. We offer free consultations!
Acupuncturist in Franklin Tennessee-Amy L. Suplee
Amy is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Board Certified by the NCCAOM, the governing body for Acupuncturists in the United States. She received her Master’s Degree in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California and is a graduate of University of Colorado. Amy is the Founder and CEO of the International Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association.
Amy specializes in Women’s Health, Fertility, Pain Management and Chronic Illness. She has been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classical Chinese Medicine and 5 Element Emotional Balancing and Acupuncture. She has a long history in Western Medicine so she has the ability to integrate an Eastern and Western approach.
Amy is passionate about her work and enjoys seeing results in her patients. As an Acupuncturist and resident of Franklin, she is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their health goals. She has taken on some of the most difficult cases, and treated patients who have seen multiple doctors who had not previously had relief from their ailments.