Acupuncture is a very effective modality for Depression and other mood disorders. At The Holistic Clinic in Franklin, we take an integrative approach to healthcare and medicine. There are times when prescription medication may be your only option for normal day to day functioning. There are those who want nothing to do with pharmaceuticals and would like to take only a natural approach. There is also an integrative approach where prescription medications can be used short term while receiving Acupuncture for the long term relief of depression. Whichever way you would like to proceed, Acupuncture is extremely effective for helping to eliminate both the short and long term effects of acute and chronic depression.
At The Holistic Clinic in Franklin we provide relief by balancing the hormones in the body that set off the fight or TNight response. This response usually causes rapid highs and lows, with the lows being more prominent and long lasting. This can leave a person feeling low and not wanting to leave the house, go to work or socialize. Acupuncture helps depression because it promotes a feeling of relief and relaxation during the session and thereafter. So, there are long term results. Acupuncture releases endorphins in the brain by way of the neurotransmitters. These are the same endorphins that are released when one takes anti-depressants.
Our Acupuncturist in Franklin has 12 years of experience in the Acupuncture field. Her focus is on getting quick results and dealing with chronic disease. If you have struggled with depression, please give our Franklin Acupuncture clinic a call. Take the edge off-we can help!