Acupuncture is a great natural treatment for children. Many individuals that are receiving Acupuncture will often bring in their families members. At The Holistic Clinic in Franklin, we love treating families and their children. Children are usually very receptive to Acupuncture too. It may sound a bit scary at first but our Franklin Acupuncturist is very experienced in dealing with children, and making it all sound fun and exciting.
Our Acupuncturist can make a fun game out of the treatment and typically once the Acupuncture needles are in, the child goes into a state of relaxation. When children were asked about their experience with Acupuncture, they find it difficult to put words to the experience. A number of times we have heard them say, ‘I don’t know why I like it, it just makes me feel good.’
Some of the ailments that Acupuncture treats in Children:
Digestive Issues
We treat anything that a Western Pediatrician treats, but we treat it naturally.
If your child has a bodily disharmony, and you would like a more natural route, please give us a call at The Holistic Clinic Acupuncture Franklin.