Acupuncture for Back Pain
Back Pain is a common ailment treated with Acupuncture. Since everyone seems to suffer from this at one point in their lives, it is understandable how this can affect work, relationships and daily activities. Since the back is the main structural support system for the body, it is important to take care of it and treat aches and pains as they arise, vs. putting it off until there is a major issue. Acupuncture is a very effective preventative solution for back and neck pain.
Our Franklin Acupuncturist specializes in pain management and sports injuries. She has 12 years of experience with treating individuals with a combination of modalities which include massage, cupping, hot stones and Acupuncture. Some of the ailments related to the back that are treated by Acupuncture are:
- Upper/lower/middle back pain
- Neck pain
- Muscular tension
- Spasms
- Muscle Weakness
- Pinched Nerves
- Headaches/Migraines
If there is tension in the back, it can lead to many different problems. First our Acupuncturist will work out the tension associated with muscular tightness, which will alleviate the muscular strain on the spinal vertebrae. Once this is loosened, the muscles can relax, thus releasing the pressure on the spine. Typically, the treatments are followed by Acupuncture which then opens up the energetics in the nervous system, allowing for a biochemical flow of energy from the back to the head and limbs. This highly effective treatment will allow the patient to feel relaxed, relieved and rejuvenated. Feel free to give our Franklin Acupuncture clinic a call.