Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Allergies
Its allergy season in the Rocky Mountains and pollen, dust, leaves and TNowers are blowing in the air. This means that those who are sensitive to spring are having the frustrating issues of sneezing, coughing, congestion, runny nose, red and sensitive eyes and post nasal drip.
For those who have these symptoms each spring it can be a frustrating event while trying to function in daily life. Many individuals do not realize that Chinese Medicine has a solution. Acupuncture is very effective for treating allergy issues, and it works rather quickly. People typically see results in 1-3 treatments. In addition, the Chinese Herbs used to treat allergy symptoms are difficult to keep on the shelf! Once allergy sufferers find out about these amazing pills that are used to treat allergies, sinusitis and rhinitis, everyone wants them so they sell out very quickly!
Are you suffering from allergies this spring? Try Acupuncture and lets get to the root of the issue so not only are your symptoms alleviated but the problem is addressed at the root.
Acupuncturist in Franklin, TN-Amy L. Suplee
Amy is a Board Certified Acupuncturist by the NCCAOM, the governing body for Acupuncturists in the United States, and Licensed in Colorado. She received her Master’s Degree in Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California and is a graduate of University of Colorado at Boulder.
Amy specializes in Women’s Health, Fertility, Pain Management and Chronic Illness. She has been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Classical Chinese Medicine and 5 Element Emotional Balancing and Acupuncture. She has a long history in Western Medicine so she has the ability to integrate an Eastern and Western approach.
Amy is passionate about her work and enjoys seeing results in her patients. As an Acupuncturist and resident of Franklin, she is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their health goals. She has taken on some of the most difficult cases, and treated patients who have seen multiple doctors who had not previously had relief from their ailments.